Want to talk to us? Here's some guidelines!!
If you're a kid, make sure you have a parent's permission!!
Follow the rules of the podcast!! 'Our Safe Listening Space' also means 'Our Safe Reading Space' for our cast and crew. Criticism is welcome, but remember your manners, and don't be weird!!
We can't respond to every email, but we do try!! Don't be offended if we don't get around to you right away, it might take some time.
Please specify what you're emailing about!! If you have comments about Cookie Dice, an audio drama, etc. please say that at the beginning of the email!!
If you want to send an entry for The Doorstep Project, do not send your story here. Go to The Doorstep Project page and follow the instructions there.
We love hearing from y'all, and can't wait to see what you have to say!!